miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Eco Village Ecuador

ECOSOL Foundation (with legal personality registered in the Ministry of environment with Agreement 149 of August 18, 2011) considering the difficult time in our country; especially our brothers & sisters in Manabi and Esmeraldas, with these two cities most affected by the Earthquake7.8  http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/19/americas/ecuador-earthquake/ of April 16 this year,

Thousands of people lost their parents, thousands of houses, buildings, hotels, business collapsed, thousands of homless people, but there is a very important feature  the desire to live and succeed is amazing while have told us that urge to get ahead and fight for our goals one of them #EcoVillageEcuador because they deserve to improve their quality of life and transmit those desire to live to future generations

The objective of #EcoVillageEcuador is to create a sustainable social, ecological and economic community; basing on Cooperatives, life in community, personal growth, respect for nature, the use of renewable energy, food and economic sustainability, recycling and using eco-friendly construction materials.
First ecovillage was implemented in Manabi, later to replicate it in other states of the country
Beneficiaries:10 poor families victims of the Earthquake, of Manabi-Ecuador
The village will consist of members of the community, develop various economic activities to support the community.
- Sale of farm products
- Comunnitary tourism
- Farm (training school)
The community seeks uninhabited village or town, which to develop the project, giving life to an unpopulated area.
The community needs emerging places done live in this case will set a EcoCamp for the adaptation period, then we´ll build with the help of all villagers the eco houses, and places where they can carry out their economic activity (orchards, fruit trees, animals, workshops, etc.)
Initial Step:
Eco Camp with 10 tents, 1 communal refuge
1 communal refuge & 1 productive farm 

We  have created also a Campaing #RiseEcuador to

- Psychological Help
- Motivational Help
- Production Help
- Spiritual help
- Help to Develop EcoVillageEcuador
Therefore, appealing to their sensitivity and great solidarity and support, we invite you to contribute with a grain of sand and join this cause; for our brothers & sister in Manabi they need together Today.

Sure to have your support and presence in this project, we reiterate our feelings of consideration.

Join like a Sponsor or Volunteer 


Lugar: Ecovita Km 139 via Gye - Riobamba
Mayo 28: Preparación de semilleros

Sumate a #EcoVillageEcuador

Ayúdanos con: semillas de tomate, pimiento ,zapallo ,pepino , fundas negras de 5 cms para plántulas y gavetas usadas apilables 

Estas plantitas serán entregadas en Manabí para que comiencen a producir su propio alimento

Registro: 0999085226 o vivecovita@gmail.com


Quieres ser voluntario en estas áreas para los daminificados del TerremotoEcuador?
Ayuda psicológica
Ayuda motivacional
Ayuda productiva
Ayuda espiritual
Ayuda para Desarrollar #EcoVillageEcuador

Escríbenos a support@ecosolfoundation.org

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